Wednesday 28 August 2013

Cinema for me is...

I know it's been a long while since I set up this blog and never returned with a new blog post. Sincere apologies! I have no excuses for the delay as I am aware I was just being a little lazy in penning down my thoughts. As they say, it's never too late to mend, I go by it. :)

Cinema is as important for me as food, shelter and clothing. Some of you may perceive this statement as an exaggeration. However, it's true. I get restless if I don't watch a movie for a long time. I want to watch all the movies that are released. I wish I had the liberty, time, and resources to do that! I have a dream. I want a big room in my house specially dedicated for movies. It will have a huge collection of my favourite movies and a brilliant home theatre (though I prefer watching movies in theatre).
For time being, I have found an amazing video library near my house. On Fridays, I visit this library and pick up some food for the weekend. I have a lot of movies on the pending list. I hope the list will be cleared soon.

When I watch a movie, it lingers in my mind for a quite some time. I brood over the cinematic aspects of the movie. Sometimes, these afterthoughts pop a lot of questions in my mind and I want to watch the movie again. Analysing the various aspects and connecting the dots is the fun part of watching movies. Thus, I prefer watching movies without reading reviews. That helps me get unbiased reactions and responses to the movie. Movies are completely subjective. What appeals to one may be completely irrelevant for the other.

In my opinion, cinema is the best medium of expression for both the creator and the viewer. And I just love it!

Sunday 6 January 2013

My Cinematic Views

Cinema is an integral part of my life. I love watching movies. And not just for the sake of it. I look at cinema as a manifestation of creative imagination, emotions, hard work, passion, and tremendous energy. It's a pure art form! When hundreds of minds come together, they create a beautiful experience for us that we call cinema.
On this blog, I plan to share my views on cinema. The topics will range from movie reviews, filmy trends, my favourite movies and actors to literally anything related to cinema.
While I was preparing to set up this blog space, I got into thinking to decide a title for this blog. That's when I realized we refer to this art form differently; cinema, film, movie, picture and so on. The dictionary treats them equally and defines them as a motion picture. However, I think all of them have different connotations to it. When we think of world cinema, some connotations stem from the cultural differences. Cinema has a huge commercial value and that adds some more connotations to it. To site an example, a commercial motion picture is often referred to as a movie. However, a motion picture with an artistic touch or an offbeat theme is generally referred to as parallel cinema. Irrespective of the different connotations, the experience we get through movies is unique.
P.S.: I have not studied films as a form. The views expressed in this space are my perceptions of cinema. They may differ from the established film theories.